Thought of the day!!

FAIL is like a steps ,PASS is Like a Lift ,a lift may fail sometimes But, steps will always get u 2 top....!!!
----------------------------------------"A.P.J Abdul Kalam"

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Saturday, September 4, 2010


Spoken web
Rahul Bhadauriya,,

India is a developing country. It’s totally depends on the agricultural products. During last few years the economic rates are increases due to the global recession. The voice site is introduced by IBM India for farmers to get better support and services. This project is known as Spoken Web project.
It is design using the HSTP and VoiceXML Technologies. Using technologies such as VoiceXML (Voice eXtensible Markup Language) and HSTP (hyper speech transfer protocol), Spoken Web mirrors the World Wide Web in a telecom network where people can create and browse "VoiceSites" that have their own URLs (uniform resource locator), traverse "VoiceLinks", and conduct business transactions.
Users can access the voice-based web using a toll-free number, through a variety of ways including a voice recognition system or a tone phone. VoiceSites can be also created over the phone, using a set of templates on the server side.
Such type of services will be very useful for farmers for their agriculture products. Question/answers, crop related information, weather forecasts, expert talks will be very useful for them. They can register their product and get market prices with only one phone call.
Spoken web provides flexible user friendly environment and lots of services. So it will be very useful to developing the nation.

How SPOKEN WEB works??

The village Entrepreneur gather the information of the Farmers crop and also the train schedule

Then he dials to the spoken web through mobile and uploaded the information and creates
the voice site

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