Step 1: Go to System->About Ubuntu check the version, whether it is mentioned above or not??
Step 2:
Go to the following link and download the MPICH2 package
change user to root or user super user privilege on every command
sudo -i
cd to the package location :
#cd /location
Then uncompress the package
# tar xzvf filename.tar.gz
go to the 'package root' :
# cd filename
then configure environment
If you are getting the error regarding the gcc compiler or c++ compiler then write following command in terminal
sudo apt-get install build-essential
compile the package
compile the package
# make
install the compiled package
#make install
Another small thing to do to start the mpich2 daemon:
then, make the user specific configuration file:
cd $HOME
touch .mpd.conf
chmod 600 .mpd.conf
gedit .mpd.conf
add the following line to the newly created .mpd.conf file
chmod 600 .mpd.conf
gedit .mpd.conf
add the following line to the newly created .mpd.conf file
now do the following steps
type the command mpd or mpd &
now create the example file to run
#include "mpi.h"
int main(int argc,char** argv)
int p_id,size;
printf("Hello from prpcess %d of %d \n",p_id,size);
return 0;
save this in a 'hpc.c' file.
compile the application
mpicc hpc.c -o hello
change access to executable of the output file
chmod +x ./hello
run the application
mpirun -np 4 ./hello
its not working at my side